Portfolios / [PORTFOLIO] dot-invasion
« on: October 09, 2006, 07:17:23 pm »
My name is Alexandre Renevey and i work for dot-invasion, a cooperative composed of a team of designers and developers.
> Regarding pixel art, we are used to work on mobile phones, Nintendo GBA & DS, flash games etc...
> Our main portfolio is located here: http://www.dot-invasion.com/dinv/portfolio/index_main_p1.html
> Our pixel art works are listed here: http://www.dot-invasion.com/dinv/portfolio/index_2Dpxart_p1.html
> Here are some of our pixel works:

> you can contact us here: http://www.dot-invasion.com/dinv/contact/contact.html
> i am personnaly available here: arenevey [AT] dot-invasion [DOT] com
Thanks for your interest!
My name is Alexandre Renevey and i work for dot-invasion, a cooperative composed of a team of designers and developers.
> Regarding pixel art, we are used to work on mobile phones, Nintendo GBA & DS, flash games etc...
> Our main portfolio is located here: http://www.dot-invasion.com/dinv/portfolio/index_main_p1.html
> Our pixel art works are listed here: http://www.dot-invasion.com/dinv/portfolio/index_2Dpxart_p1.html
> Here are some of our pixel works:

> you can contact us here: http://www.dot-invasion.com/dinv/contact/contact.html
> i am personnaly available here: arenevey [AT] dot-invasion [DOT] com
Thanks for your interest!