Pixel Art / Pocky Love Edit:// finished?
« on: September 21, 2005, 09:45:54 pm »28 colours + transparency.
i wasnt specifically aiming for a low colour count so if you think 28 is too high..sorry :/. I'm bad at that i gues.
I used black for parts of the outlines, I hope it looks okay x_o. If not, how can i fix it?
btw that is milk pocky that she is holding, which they no longer make ;_;. RIP my beloved.
uh, and the purple thing is a torn bunce stuffie. I dont know why I put it in there lol.
Bunce= haha
OKAY so thanks to some useful cnc I -think- I'm done? Maybe not but i hope haha xD;.
from my last edit down the page there, I've fixed the foot/shoe/leg angle (hope it looks okay now. If it doesnt, tell me and i'll work on it more x_x;), aswell as reduced the colour count by 1 more so that i now have 15 colours.
@Helm: I took away the useless grey and replaced it with the dark blue i used to outline the coat. Soo..no blocky black, but still no 'wasted' colour =p. I don't think it looks too bad with the blue.
so yes, any more cnc ppls? o_o;;