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Topics - UMI
Pages: [1]

hi everyone! hope this is posted in the right place and sorry if its not.

i am a big fan of pixel art but sadly i am not an artist. Im currently planning out to start an online business website that sells garments, mugs, and many many other things with pixel art designs on it with a theme of gaming, anime and retro to the designs on the products. (because people buy what they tend to associate themselves with). Im looking for artists to help me with designs (sending me old art the have already made or drawing up new designs for me)

but not entirely for free! i want to support the artists just how they support my business and that's why i plan to have every shirt to have the designers name or logo on the neck label as well as have a % of sales of every shirt (or product) that's sold that has their design on it (kind of like passive income).

so whenever the artists design is sold on a shirt he/she would automatically get paid (for example 15%) of the shirts price to their paypal account.

any help would be much appreciated and even sending me old pixel art you already made and allowing me to use it is also be extremely helpful!

hope to contact you soon!

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