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Topics - JayOrDev
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Unpaid Work / [UNPAID] Pixel artist for a background image
« on: January 14, 2020, 08:25:06 pm »
My name is Jordan Pearson, I am a senior at the University of Puget Sound and I am creating a demo of a 2D beat-em-up game in Unity for my computer science capstone. The game is called “Avarice Island”, and the demo will consist of one level where two players control powerful characters and use their abilities to defeat basic enemies, a mini-boss, and a boss. The work needed at this time is a background for the level.

Background art
This level takes place in the evening in the “Chinatown” portion of the city. The level is made up of 3 sections:
  • Busy market/festival
  • Night club
  • Gang base at the docks
We will require png images of the different layers that make up the background. These will likely consist of the sky/far away buildings, midground set pieces, and the immediate foreground (where the player will be fighting). Some elements in the background might be animated, such as fireworks or flashing lights.

I am not necessarily looking for something as detailed as these backgrounds.

Although I have labelled this job as unpaid because I cannot pay a competitive rate, I will still be paying our artist $150. As a broke college student, this is the best I can manage.

You can contact me at or shoot me a DM on this site.

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