Please contact me via email:
henrico.dualr@gmail.comI've made a variety of Pixel Art.
First and foremost:
Icons!These are becoming a bit of a specialty of mine


Island survival themed icons

Sci-Fi Icons - The fun kind

Sci-Fi Icons - The boring kind

Gameplay icons! Done for online game, enough icons. Time for.
Tilesets!Not a personal favourite to do, but I am able to do them

Tiles done for flash game series
More tiles! Some were omitted but the important ones are shown
Isometric TilesOne major project to show here

Preview image.
Full imageFor website
KeywordCityAll pixel work for that site.
AnimationsContributed to the
Goldfish music video - We Come TogetherPortraits
Once again assets for
CommanderI also do a
variety of styles

Please contact me via email: