Well it is a very crude imitation of my own house, that is why the brick extends in front of the porch (mine does the same)
I agree with you on the stairs i should definately make them smaller just now realized how huge they are, and I will try my best to improve the windows (theyre one of my weak points)
Even though I liked how the roof turned out I'll definately take your adivce and try to break it up with something because it is a rather large empty space as it is.
Thanks for your critique Tourist, and thanks for viewing.
Well I took some of your advice, I like how the new windows and the chimney looks (thought about making a nice smoke effect coming out of it but didnt want to go too complex) I tried to edit the stairs but they just were not coming out good at all so i'm going to start from scratch on those at a later time. Thanks again for the critique tourist it helped em improve my pixel drawling.