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Messages - Moonlightgames
Pages: [1]

Hi there! We are Moonlight Games, an indie game company from Spain. Right now we are developing "Hunt the Night", an ambitious game that will be pulished on Ps4, Nintendo Switch and Steam. The game is like a mix up of an action adventure game with high difficulty bosses like the ones found in Dark souls saga. We have a plot writer, a novel pixel artist, a concept artist, a locator, 3 programmers and a wonderful musician that is composing a great ost.

We need a good pixel artist in order to transform into pixel the bosses, enemies and zones. We will provide descriptions of everything, and of course, if you have good ideas you can be part of the creative process too.

We are looking for a person not only for this project, but for all pixel related games, we will make you a benefit based contract and you will earn the same amount of money that the rest of the team will recieve, which right now means the 15% of all the profits per person. We plan to sell 10.000 units the first year, which right now means more than 100.000$, taxes applied.

If you are interested you can send me a message to:

We will provide you of any information you need. Thanks for your time!

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