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Messages - Incendax
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Some stuff came up and I'm not going to be able to finish my tiles like i wanted to, so I guess I gotta release 63, 64, 93 so someone else who has the time can work on them :)

Great job so far, eager to see what all develops!

Yeah I guess... was hoping to drop in my submission in soon but I'll have to try and figure out how to repair it now, or start over.
Ahh well, I'll see what I can do with it.

We're suddenly restricted to 16 colours now?  Ahh man, I'm going to have to start over on my part then... I thought we could use more than that and im not very good at low colour palettes :P

Archived Activities / Re: Isometric Collaboration 4 - IT IS UPON US!
« on: April 22, 2008, 08:27:56 pm »
I've been eager to get into one of these
I'll take a stab at 63 - 64 - 93 if I may

Pixel Art / [WIP] Avatar for a friend
« on: March 03, 2008, 12:40:52 am »
Was working on an avatar for a friend of mine lately, wanted to get some feedback.  Its a hyena-type character, like a gnoll or whatnot.
I found fur to be very challenging to do, after about a dozen different tries at it I came to something I think looks okay.

There's no background yet.  And ignore the reds in the palette at the moment I was considering using reds as part as the background and just threw down some base red colours into my palette to start from.

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Iso Character Template
« on: February 28, 2008, 09:18:37 pm »
Forgive the jumbled reply, but it beats making like 5 posts in a row, I hadnt been home for a while.  Thanks for all the input, made some adjustments and hope its looking a bit better :)
OLD:                                NEW:

i think that, if there is any problem with the back-view, it depends on the fact that he looks like it is falling. He should be just a little slanted forward (maybe just move the left foot a little left). But it is just my humble opinion.
Maybe to move far foot one pixel to the left to balance figure.
Thanks, yeah even just moving the foot a tiny bit made his stance look alot better.

The forward-facing one looks pretty badly off-balance to me, like he's leaning backwards and about to fall over. Our brains tend to skew things when we're drawing; I don't know the science of it, but it is very important to keep in mind, especially with game sprites that get flipped a lot. You should form a habit of flipping your sprites horizontally every now and then as you work to make sure they're balanced.
Yeah I knew about flipping sprites to make sure my brain is still working... however that didnt mean i remembered to do it!  lol
Thanks for reminding me I should have remembered this.
I tried adjusting his upper torso a bit in the front view, and he looks a little more balanced now.... I think.  I'm still not certain about the back view, could shift his upper body forward slightly or leave it as is now that I made other adjustments.

O.o why did you AA a template?
Also, the feet on the back view look really... odd. Most likely because they both seem to be facing the same way. I think his right foot needs to aim outwards more. Overall, his feet need to be a lot bigger. Right now they just look like nubs.
I only used a tiny bit of AA and thats just to smooth out the edges slightly so i have a better feel for which angle the lines are going in certain places.  My brain understood it better this way and will give me a better feel when im colouring over and making other adjustments to make actual characters.
And yes, agreed, the feet were a bit too short, I made them a little longer, but overall the character is a bit diminished to begin with as I'm not working with a perfect to-scale human.  ...and they'll probably look bigger once hes actually wearing shoes/boots or something.  Thanks though they do look alot better with a little added size!

I think back view char arms are short, elbow is usually on a same line with a waist, something wrong with a head too...
When you're standing most of your weight is on your toes not on your heels and your thighs are pointing straight down. The arms are also too short.
I adjusted the arms a little bit, but I didnt make them quite as long as in Fool's example, because I felt the forearm is angled forward slight as well, his arms aren't hanging straight down in the front view, nor should they in the rear view.  But a little extra length helped.   I adjusted the head and shoulders as well, I realized the angle a little better when i saw your example, Fool.  And no I dont mean shampoo.  :P

Pixel Art / Re: [WIP] Iso Character Template
« on: February 28, 2008, 01:10:28 am »
I think it just looks shorter from behind because of how its standing on the tile from behind.  Still adjusting/trying to figure out exactly where to place him on the tile :P

And yus!  I plan to colour and make some actual characters from it once im satisfied with a base to work from :)

Glad you like it thus far, made it last night when I should have went to bed instead.

Pixel Art / [WIP] Iso Character Template
« on: February 28, 2008, 12:48:18 am »
Nothing grandiose to show here, but was just working on a template for isometric characters for a game.  Yay...

Note I'm not going for a 7:1 head to body ratio, but wouldn't mind some feedback on body positioning in the isometric angle or whatnot.  :)

Plan to have alot of non-human characters as well but figured the basic 'human' is a good place to start it off.

Pixel Art / Re: Making my Pixel Avatar
« on: February 26, 2008, 02:32:05 am »
Alright I admit, after doing something simple as adjusting the colour levels a tiny bit it came out way better.  Thanks I think it looks alot better now with a deeper range of colours!

I think I'm happy with it for now

Of course I'm still quite open to suggestions if someone still thinks otherwise >.>

And wow i must be behind the times, I've never seen any of those pokemon before in your link, lol    Except the popular one, last in the 3rd row...

Pixel Art / Re: Making my Pixel Avatar
« on: February 26, 2008, 02:04:01 am »
Ooh right the goggles, forgot about that...

And more depth?  Maybe, just seemed a little too "deep" to me.  I'll try fiddling with it a bit though.

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