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Messages - TheEgyptian
Pages: [1]

General Discussion / Re: Read the Rules, then introduce yourself here.
« on: January 06, 2014, 04:41:11 pm »
Hello, I'm TheEgyptian. I am trying to create an 8/16-bit style indie Zelda-type adventure game set in Egypt using a an actual Egyptian indie pro-wrestler as the main character. As you probably guessed, the game is set in Ancient Egypt but there is a sci-fi aspect to the storyline so there will be plenty of hybrid (half-human/half-animal) enemies, ancient aliens, etc.

I found this site while researching pixel art. As a child, I used to do pixel art for simple video games on an Apple//e and Commodore 64 where you had to actually plot each pixel, use binary to draw shape tables, each color only worked on odd or even columns, etc, to get your actors and what not.

I am looking forward to learning from master pixel artists and hopefully getting feedback on my actors, animations, tilesets, etc, while offering any insights I have that will help constructively.

Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this community. :y:

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