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Messages - NathanielSheller
Pages: [1]

Portfolios / Re: ViralHaze's Portfolio.
« on: August 09, 2013, 04:56:02 pm »
What's your rate? I may be willing to pay you a small amount, but I would need to converse with you to figure out if you're right for my project :). I develop in Unity C# and would like to start a project, but my artistic talent does not exist lol. Ty for your time. :)

-Profit sharing (on anything made)
-Looking for someone to partner up with me for several big game projects.
-I work primarily in C++.
-3D modeling skills is also an advantage.
-Currently have a startup project going called Blood of Tyr. Kinda a Norse based game (viking). Looking for immediate pixel artist :).

Edit: This first game I want to resemble Legend of Zelda Diablo (sorry my mind changes a lot) in a way, like the original ones. Please show a sample of your work :).

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