Hmm now that you mention it, I might want to alter my rock palette a bit.
Thanks. I have one question though, you said you were making a calculator game. So why use a colored palette for the scene?
Well. I might use this on my brand new FX-CG10, but this was originally for training purposes.
The problem is that I have been working A LOT with ridiculously hard color and dimension restrictions, because I'm basically working on a SSB-like game on our good ol' FX-9860 monochrome 128*64 displayed calculators (I may post these sprites when I'm finished with them btw, and I need some help with animation anyway so you'll see them soon enough).
The main issue was that I completely lost the hand on anything color related (I was doing readability above all work with the monochrome restrictions, and now I need to move on to something more artistic, considering the restrictions are changing with the full 32-bit depth of the FX-CG10 screen). I've got some time on my hands (for once) and I thought some training could do me no bad, so I had a go, and failed miserably, so basically I asked for a hand to help me back on my feet, and thank you to the three of you who helped me.
Well. The moment has passed. Back to work.