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Messages - evilyoshi
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: my first attempt at this.
« on: June 18, 2011, 07:45:26 pm »
How old r u buddy?
Please don't give up, keep going!!
Do some sketches on  paper of what u r trying to draw first then scan them in and trace over it...

i already said i was 15. i suck at art and got interested in this form of art 2 days ago.  and i cant draw anything by hand and i don't have a scanner. and when i made this i did not want to use many pixels, and i did not know what size artists usually work at.

Pixel Art / Re: my first attempt at this.
« on: June 18, 2011, 01:12:23 am »
im 15 and i suck at art and dont care about my grammar because its a forum, and not english class.
well... you have ... he need a neck. the proportions are off. like his legs it looks like one is attached in front of the other. he needs cloths. so u could use jeans to portray 3d. just add back or from pockets to help with the proportions. no ones arms have ever been like that unless there are viruses involved. so with a shirt add better looking hand. you dont need detail. just a circle will work for the hands. hair and a ear. u can use hair to cover the hair so u dont need to add one.

and lastly you need to study other art more. there is an entire dictionary of pieces to study. cut and paste if you half to a little from this and a little from that. just give credit from everything you take. and in no time you could be very good at this.

i didnt want it to be realistic because i wanted it to look like it was from an old game.  thanks for teling me about the legs though, i thought that would be good for what i was trying to do.

Pixel Art / my first attempt at this.
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:13:51 pm »

i was trying to do retro game zombie.

General Discussion / animation?
« on: June 16, 2011, 02:12:53 am »
i do pixel art and 3d modeling, im new to both of these but what i want to know is, what program do i use to make sprite animations? oh and i also saw that 3d knight in the art section and is that a 3d model with a pixel art texture?

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