
General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Beoran on June 19, 2009, 03:47:11 pm

Title: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Beoran on June 19, 2009, 03:47:11 pm
Some people may think that pixel art is a limiting type of art, since we can only work at the pixel level, with very few colors. But I was calculating a little, and it can be shown mathematically that the possibilities of pixel art are sheer infinite. For reference, let's keep in mind a very big number, 4*10**79 (4 times 10 to the power 79), or 40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. That number is the current estimate for the amount of hydrogen atoms in the whole universe!
Now, let's take a look at very small pixel art piece of 16 x 16. How many possibilities are there? Well, it depends on the number of colors. If we use 2 colors, then there are 2**(16*16), or 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936, possibilities, which is "only" 1/345th of the amount of hydrogen atoms, but still, a lot more than there are stars in the universe!

Once we use 4 colors, then there are 4**(16*16) or
different possibilities! That's just astronomical! More than there are hydrogen atoms in the universe!

And, if you'd use 24 bits full color, then there would be (2**24)**(16*16) or
different possibilities! That's a number so insanely huge it's unimaginable!

This interestingly enough shows why it's important to limit your palette when making pixel art. Using a limited palette limits the possibilities somewhat, but with an unlimited palette, the amount of possibilities is bewildering. It also proves that pixel art is indeed, an art, for it takes great creativity to make anything that looks nice within the vast amount of possibilities. Pixel art as the spiritual descendant of pointillism. What do you think about it? ^_^

PS: These numbers were calculated using the Ruby programming language , which has great facilities for handling astronomicallly large numbers.
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Gil on June 19, 2009, 04:32:09 pm
The problem is that 99.999% or more of the possible images are pure noisy garbage. For every image that even remotely resembles something, there's a huge amount of images that just look like noise.

On top of that, every image that does resemble something has an equally huge amount of images that are virtually identical to it.

Basically, while these numbers are pretty, they don't actually present anything useful :)

Just the fact that we won't be running out of possibilities any time within the next 100 000 years...
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Beoran on June 19, 2009, 07:40:07 pm
Well, yes, most of it is noise. Although good noise may become a grass or stone tile if you expand it to 32x32, or something. ^_^
The last thing you said is the point I'm making: Pixel art is just as deep in scope as are all other arts. The numbers are just an illustration of that.
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Dusty on June 19, 2009, 08:11:30 pm
Well in this case, you could possibly say that digital painting has more possibilities, because you can increase the canvas size, no? True, not every pixel counts in digital painting like it does pixel art, but eventually those small pixels start to mean something...

I get where you're coming from, but I gotta agree with Gil, though. Interesting, still.
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Atnas on June 19, 2009, 09:24:26 pm

You see, in a digital painting there are indeed a lot more possibilities because of the size, BUT I'd actually like to emphasize just how few possibilities there are with pixel art. The way I see it, the traditional media's output number is practically without end, however with pixel art it is possible to grasp at every combination in our minds. It's an art of control and we have a selection to choose from. It just fortifies that nature of the art.
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Don risotto on June 20, 2009, 06:53:11 pm
indeed. and it's the pieces wot transcend the bpp mathemo trig shit that stand out most in my mind. (not that they don't employ a deep and broad knowledge of such)
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Beoran on June 20, 2009, 07:10:01 pm
Interesting point of view, Atnas. I guess we can say it's true that creativity can grow from limiting ourself.
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Ryumaru on June 30, 2009, 01:46:04 am
I find the title silly, because essentially there is a very FINITE possibility in pixelart. big numbers do not mean infinity. 256 million colors, a 1024x768 canvas, these will all become a number that has an end.
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Mathias on June 30, 2009, 02:20:23 am
Haha, I get a real kick out of this thread. It's so ridiculous it's great; a testament to how thoroughly pixel art is attacked on this unique site. Though I will say I do think the possibilities are virtually endless, from a human perspective. But mathematically, yeah obviously there are limits, there's an end in sight, but it ventures beyond what is art, including such things as backbuffer garbage, etc, which is pointless. Beoran, you're a coder aren't you? I enjoy your math, it's interesting. This reminds me of a meeting my group had recently - both programmers asserted that "art" boils down to math in the end . . . oi. To me, such an argument is pointed blasphemy, hehe.
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Beoran on June 30, 2009, 06:40:19 am
Well, my gist was that it isn't legitimate to attack pixel art, or even other forms of art, even though they may be mathematically limited, and hence theoretically have limited possibilities towards creativity. Art, to me, is, in essence, creativity that has results that are not utilitarian. A spite in a game is art, because you could substitute them with colored rectangles, and the game generally speaking be just as playable, as several Atari 2600 games prove. Video games are also, generally, art, because they are non utilitarian. A bridge or a car is not art, because they are generally built to be useful. That's my definition of art, which may not be universal, but that's how I see it. ^_^

Yes, I'm a coder, and I'm glad you enjoyed my math.  But, I don't think that all art boils down to math. However, certain arts, are based on maths. For example, most note-based, melodic music, is certainly based on maths. Most scales of notes were originally based on certain simple proportions between frequencies.  Most melodies an rhythms are based on the progression of certain simple numerical series. Actually, that's why it's possible to generate music with a computer that sounds good. You could try this computer program to convince yourself: http://www.reglos.de/musinum/
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Mathias on June 30, 2009, 01:45:51 pm
Sorry, I tend to use the word "attack" in a posotive way and it's probably misleading. When I said pixel art is thoroughly attacked here, I meant it's analyzed, it's deconstructed, it's meticulously explored and practiced, generally with the purest intention of evolving the artform. That's a good thing.

Well, my programmers were mainly referring to things like the fibonacci sequence and golden ratios, things that are in fact objectively quantifiable and that produce aesthetic results. So I guess what it really boils down to is that art is balance, like anything else. There's no right or wrong. I'd be an apple arguing that I'm superior to an orange - both have obvious value and different uses. Sure, your bridge and car example are good, but like commercial design they can be as appealing as they are functional. Again, that balance. A simple clean corporate logo can be beautifully designed and nice to look at, yet it's real intention is to convince the customer to open their wallet, the strategy behind the design is based on tedious market research numbers and consideration of numerous factors, mainly the targeted demographic's preferences, booooring. Here creative designers and market analysts come together to make something happen, two totally different worlds collide. The renaissance painters were geeks for composition, creating subject matter triangles, etc, there was an exacted structure under the beautifil facade of their paintings. Both mathematical strategy and exceptional painting talent were necessary to imbue each painting with strong integrity the renaissance painters are still praised for even today.

That's art. Sorry about the tangent. Thanks for the link, I plan to more fully explore that when the time is right.
Title: Re: The sheer infinite possibilities of pixel art
Post by: Beoran on July 01, 2009, 07:22:35 am
OK, I misunderstood what you meant by "attack". I'm not a native speaker so I don't know about some more idiosyncratic uses of English words.

And I think it's true that math can be used to get aesthetically pleasing results. However, IMO, it's easier in music than in visual arts.

As for commercial graphic design and marketing, that's sort of borderline. I've seen some ads that, IMO, if you'd remove the company name and the slogan, would be suitable to hang in a museum. The artist has to listen to the ones who pay him. "Whose bread one eats, whose word one speaks". Unfortunate, but understandable.