
Critique => Pixel Art => Topic started by: FunInfusedGames on December 06, 2017, 08:10:11 pm

Title: [WIP] Help with a Space Burger
Post by: FunInfusedGames on December 06, 2017, 08:10:11 pm
I'm working on a "Space Burger" for a pixel art game I'm working on called Platinum Kill. I use an artist for much of the game, but I'm trying to work on some small pieces myself to both improve my skills and save myself money :)

In one level, your player can stand on a floating burger that travels through space. Below is my work in progress version...


The top needs to stay about as flat as it is now so that the player can use it as a platform, but I'm pretty open to other changes. Can someone give me some tips on how to shade this better or anything else I might want to do to make it look better? In game it will be scaled up 4 times its current size. The game has a sort of silly, cartoonish look, so I am not looking for realism here.

Here is a video of the game if you want to see how it fits with the rest of the style:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y99it7PAmUg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y99it7PAmUg)
Title: Re: [WIP] Help with a Space Burger
Post by: questseeker on December 06, 2017, 09:04:51 pm
Palette: good as a whole, but
While flattening the top of the hamburger is physically reasonable and a reasonable stylistic license, the distribution of the white dots (I assume sesame seeds) implies an extremely unnatural flat background, not a three-dimensional bun.
To suggest an hamburger shape, most visible seeds should instead be the ones on the top of the bun: seen sideways, very unevenly distributed, and protruding above the bread mass (you can still use the bread as a platform and ignore them for game purpose).

Reference photo from a Google search:
 https://www.google.it/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.metro.ca%2Fuserfiles%2Fimage%2Finfographics%2Fimages%2Fburgers%2F5-COWBOY%2F5-Cowboy-Bun-Top.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.metro.ca%2Fen%2Fproducts-to-discover%2Fmeat%2Fadvice-from-my-butcher%2F5-ways-to-reinvent-the-burger&docid=7u8Vu1gT1yR1YM&tbnid=XVe1XCVTUtmegM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjaseDCo_bXAhWDVBQKHT94Azc4rAIQMwhcKFkwWQ..i&w=410&h=130&client=firefox-b&bih=782&biw=1538&q=hamburger%20bun&ved=0ahUKEwjaseDCo_bXAhWDVBQKHT94Azc4rAIQMwhcKFkwWQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 (https://www.google.it/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.metro.ca%2Fuserfiles%2Fimage%2Finfographics%2Fimages%2Fburgers%2F5-COWBOY%2F5-Cowboy-Bun-Top.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.metro.ca%2Fen%2Fproducts-to-discover%2Fmeat%2Fadvice-from-my-butcher%2F5-ways-to-reinvent-the-burger&docid=7u8Vu1gT1yR1YM&tbnid=XVe1XCVTUtmegM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjaseDCo_bXAhWDVBQKHT94Azc4rAIQMwhcKFkwWQ..i&w=410&h=130&client=firefox-b&bih=782&biw=1538&q=hamburger%20bun&ved=0ahUKEwjaseDCo_bXAhWDVBQKHT94Azc4rAIQMwhcKFkwWQ&iact=mrc&uact=8)
Title: Re: [WIP] Help with a Space Burger
Post by: FunInfusedGames on December 07, 2017, 08:15:26 pm
Thanks for the suggestions questseeker....

I change the coloring of the bread and slightly adjusted the shading on it.
I changed the seeds to lines instead of diamonds and I placed them more frequently around the top (i combined parts of your suggestion with another pixel art burger example I found that I liked).
The purple is supposed to be purple onions (burgers more often have white, but I thought purple looked better). I did some extra shading on those trying to give them depth and more obvious onion-ness.

Any followup thoughts or thoughts from anyone else? I think this does look a good deal better already although I'm not really sure how I should be shading the bun to make it look right.

