Critique => Pixel Art => Topic started by: 8-bit_madness on May 20, 2015, 02:16:55 pm
So I've been working on this sprite for a while now. Here are some things I want to know:
-does the walk motion look right? should I add more frames? I think that his leg looks like it might be stretching too far but i'm not sure...
-is the bounce motion right?
-is there anything weird or odd about my sprite? the face? his hands?
-Does he need more shading or highlighting?
Yeah I know he's kinda boring but I've just been messing around with getting the animation right. I can make him look more interesting later. Lets hope the animation shows up here, it was made with PyxelEdit and is 32 x 32px.
Since no-one has bothered to comment :mean: I went ahead and made a few more changes. I think the walk cycle is starting to look more smoother, but I could still use some constructive criticism to make it look better.
Changes include:
-made him lift his left arm a bit higher
-shortened one arm so that the arms are now even
-reduced the space in some steps so that the walk cycle looks more natural
I'm not sure what else needs to be done...
Hey there, Nice little character you got here!
There are some great animators here on this board, but I'm not one of them. Lets see what we can do here.
You're doing some weird things with his legs that don't fit well in the cycle. When I think of even number walk cycles, I think in terms of 2 contact frames and 2 pass position frames, with however many inbetween frames you want. Getting these main key frames down and correctly spaced is important for the walk to feel right.
Frames 1 and 3 are the contact frames, where both feet are touching the ground ( one on it's toes, the other on it's heel). Frames 2 and 4 are pass position frames, where the weight is shifted to another leg; one leg is mostly straight, the other with a bent knee coming up and forward.
I also changed some proportions and such on the character for my own amusement, he seems like a jolly little kid walking on the block; feel free to disregard the style choices I made like the head tilt and how far the arms are swung.
I'mma try and help too ! ;D
on frame 5 the arm of your lil' guy staightens, i would consider letting it be bent like in the precedent frame, maybe higher ?
here , look at this, could be helpful : (http://i.imgur.com/svjx2M3.gif)