
Critique => Pixel Art => Topic started by: oxysoft on December 14, 2014, 10:42:03 pm

Title: Having trouble putting my small side-scroller style soldiers into topdown
Post by: oxysoft on December 14, 2014, 10:42:03 pm
Right now I have these guys


I don't think they are so bad but my initial goal was to have them in a more angled top down view and I'm having a bit of trouble with applying perspective when it comes to pixel art. I'm not very good at drawing either but at least I can somewhat visualize the perspective in my mind.

A starting point would be greatly appreciated! thanks


I had a shot at it


The shape seems to be there but something feels off with it. I had to add some new colors for the weapon and a highlight for the character
Title: Re: Having trouble putting my small side-scroller style soldiers into topdown
Post by: Decroded on December 15, 2014, 05:59:10 am
I think ur doing pretty well on both angles the sprites are off to a good start.

One thing I notice is u have lots of dark shades and attempting to use black outlines within the sprite.
In a sprite this small u can't afford to waste pixels on black outlines.
Try using clusters of contrasting colours to separate shapes and save outlines for the outside of the sprite.

Consider making the guns from a brighter colour such as light grey with and orange line along the top.
This way u can draw the gun at different angles with only a few pixels instead of needing a black outline.
The front facing guy is off to a good start I think he will look cool with those adjustments.