
General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Wildhoney on April 25, 2007, 01:51:24 pm

Title: Pixel Art Applications
Post by: Wildhoney on April 25, 2007, 01:51:24 pm
Greetings everyone, I am new here. In my own admission I've never really been into pixel art in a big way, but I've done several pieces in the past.

I wanted to ask this in IRC as I don't believe it really warrants a new thread, however, your IRC server appears to be down. I was merely wondering what applications you use for pixel art. I used to use Adobe Photoshop with my own defined brushes to make creation a little easier when applying large isometric lines, I suppose to many this is cheating, but that's what I did. Most of it was simply using the 1 pixel brush for the finer details. I was reading a thread on here where someone had drawn an impressive dog, and was animating it, it looked as though you were using a specialised program, but perhaps I am incorrect and you all simply use Photoshop or similar.
Title: Re: Pixel Art Applications
Post by: Helm on April 25, 2007, 03:33:56 pm
Some people insist on mspaint. Most of them either afraid to switch to an unfamiliar program, or just don't want to payl

Others more reasonable use Graphics Gale. A good choice for sprite and animation work mostly.

Most people that are pro or want to go, either use photoshop out of old habits, or rightly in my opinion, Cosmigo Pro Motion.

I use ProMotion personally.
Title: Re: Pixel Art Applications
Post by: Zenobia on April 25, 2007, 05:22:21 pm
In response to Helm's "...afraid to switch to an unfamiliar program"

I use Paint Shop Pro 7. Not 6 or 8... but 7. I'm used to it and it's pleasant to pixel in for me.
Like for drawing I use Open Canvas and for designing Photoshop. Each art its program.
Personally I hate using Photoshop for pixel art. I do use it a lot (see designing) but for pixeling it isn't comfortable for me at all.

There's no application that's good or bad for pixeling (ok well, don't try Open Canvas). You'll have to find something that fits you.
Animation is a different subject though... Like Animation Shop, which comes with Paint Shop Pro... not so nice.
Title: Re: Pixel Art Applications
Post by: Rydin on April 25, 2007, 09:08:20 pm
Paint Shop Pro 7 all the way man.
Title: Re: Pixel Art Applications
Post by: setz on April 25, 2007, 09:32:41 pm
Some people insist on mspaint. Most of them either afraid to switch to an unfamiliar program, or just don't want to payl
grafx2 is the poor man's pro motion.

I'm in a constant struggle between MSPaint and Pro Motion myself. The familiarity and simplicity of MSPaint allow me to hastily create just about whatever I want, and for anything advanced, I hop on over to Pro Motion.

Paint seems to have that "I have no idea what I want to draw but I'm going to draw it" push for me, anyways. Any art program with a 1px brush and zoom can make pixel art.