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Pixel-Gameart Appreciation Thread

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----Quest for Glory I and II, before the addition of hundreds of colors caused the art to look blurry and indistinct. ----

Quest for Glory I: So You Want to be a Hero

Quest for Glory II: Trial by Fire

---Artwork by Eric Chahi----

Future Wars

Out of this World

Game: Final Fantasy Tactics
Release Year: 1997
Platform: Playstation

I have a strange relationship with FFT, I've tried playing it many times but never got used to the camera, it always felt awkward (even though I've played a lot of Disgaea and jeanne d'arc).

FFT is a great game but I think what really draws my interest the most is akihiko yoshida's art, that's one of those times that I realize the gargantuous gap of skill.
The characters have a very narrow palette of skin/ground tones and even the colorful details have a touch of sepia to it as well, combine that with a huge forehead and not having a nose (lots of free space). Normally you'd think that those parameters would lead to a very boring piece but not in this case.
I think this is a prime example of knowing exactly what emotions you want and how to convey them on your piece.

Posting these because someone had to

Metal Slug 1

Metal Slug 3

Metal Slug X

For some reason the first game that came to my mind as I red this was "Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land". And my memory hasn't tricked me.
There are some areas that look a little emtpy, but others really look good.

Shantae on DSi

Frogatto & Friends


Fury of the Furries
- -

And I loved the art of the original Rayman but it's actually not really using pixel art.


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