Work > Portfolios

Sokota's Portfolio

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Hey, I'm looking for paid work. I'm good at mainly platform sprites, but I could do many other things, if need be.

Name: Andrew Miller
Age: 15 [Does this matter, though?]
Payment: Depends on offer?
Quality: Depends on time needed

Here are a few examples of my work:

A current game project for my team, SkyFire. Its a near futuristic soldier.

Same soldier, with a parachute.

An enemy soldier, one of many in development. *No arms because this is a mouse-aiming game.

A monster in another project called West. Its an evil Tumbleweed, so beware!

Another monster from West, called Blue Casualty. A walking strip. *No arms because this is a mouse-aiming game.

Me. And yes, I sprited that! Just kidding. But really, how'd you know?

Well, I hope you like my work. I would like to work on a Paid project because I need funding for my own Game Dev. Hope you hire me!


For more info either PM me or Email me! But you can comment on work here. :D

You would have a hard time looking for someone who's willing to pay for that kind of quality.

Personally, I wouldn't hire someone whose work is not the same quality as existing games.
Sure, there are probably some desperate programmers, but I'm just saying there won't be much demand for this kind.

Also remember that sprites you make for work generally will be less in quality compared to sprites you made "for fun/leisure".

Why not post in the Pixel Art section of this forum and get some feedback on your work first? ;)

Is it really that bad? It's a cel-shaded style, not supposed to be surrealistic..


Yes, take rabidbaboy's advice. Your art only shows a severe lack of skill in art. I would suggest building up your skills for several years before even attempting looking for paid work.

I think stupidity - purely Russian disease, but it surprised me.


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