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The Official Pirate Challenge

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You're definitely one sexy bitch lief. Another revision.  Grrrr.  Don't you hate when you get halfway into a piece and you realize you screwed up a bunch of stuff?  Oh well.

Wait. As partners are we meant to be colloborating on one single work, or dedicating our pirate to eachother? Or does it matter which way we interpret it? Sorry if it was obvious, I just got a little confused.

You are using the template to make a likeness of your partner as a pirate using the style guidelines and whatnot, he or she will do the same for you. So you are each working on an individual piece.

- Dog

Mercury Rising:
Don't worry istvan neg and I thought the same thing.   Now I got a basic sketch of what I want to do.  Not stick fig basic, a little bit better.  Just a little... Fear my mad 1337 drawing skillage! 
PS: Banging work sledge!

BOO YEAH!  Group 1 rules!


--- Quote ---Wait. As partners are we meant to be colloborating on one single work
--- End quote ---
Yea for some reason I thought we were supposed to do that. Thanks for clearing it up dogmeat


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