
Critique => Pixel Art => Topic started by: Lockwork on February 04, 2018, 02:21:56 pm

Title: Game art (critique please)
Post by: Lockwork on February 04, 2018, 02:21:56 pm
Title: Re: Game art (critique please)
Post by: Lockwork on February 04, 2018, 02:56:30 pm
mostly looking for critique on the stone face. but any is welcome.
Title: Re: Game art (critique please)
Post by: eishiya on February 04, 2018, 03:50:38 pm
Having highlights at every edge between light and shadow on the rocks looks strange. Save those highlights for those edges and faces that actually face the light source, so they help communicate the light source better.

The face looks cool, but it looks too symmetrical to be natural (if that's what you're going for), and the shadows don't really correspond to those on a human face that's lit from front-above. You have some shadows where there should be light (tops of cheeks, the bit between the nose and upper lip, lower lip) and some light where there should be shadows (lower cheeks, a bit on the upper chin where the lower lip casts a shadow).

The 2nd and 3rd rows in this reference image (https://setmefree.dnsfilter.com/dnsfilteraHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBpbmltZy5jb20vNzM2eC8wNi83ZC80ZS8wNjdkNGVmNTFiNjc0OTM2ZDU2ZWU3MGE2MDk0Njg5NS0tZmFjZS1kcmF3aW5ncy1zaGFkb3dzLWZhY2UtZHJhd2luZy5qcGc=) should help, as your intended lighting seems to be somewhere between those two.
Title: Re: Game art (critique please)
Post by: Lockwork on February 04, 2018, 07:04:19 pm

thanks for the help. this is what i have changed so far.
Title: Re: Game art (critique please)
Post by: eishiya on February 04, 2018, 08:24:07 pm
I think the chin looks more like a scrotum than a chin. Chins, even very large cleft chins, tend to taper a bit towards the bottom instead of keeping the same width throughout.

You still have oddly-placed shadows. Here's an edit that'll hopefully make it clearer what I mean, especially about the cheeks:
The light parts of the cheeks are much higher. There are only two pixels of shadow under the eyes, these are the lower eyelids.
The bottoms of the cheeks are dark, and the light parts taper inwards rather than outwards like in yours, which looks more realistic.
I didn't edit the chin shape, as I wanted the face to remain largely the same for the sake of example, to make it clear how the shadows affect it.

I made a few other changes that I think would help:
- Increased the brightness of the highlight colour. It was barely visible before. A colour that's hard to see is either not needed at all, or should be given more contrast from other colours.
- Removed highlights from the cheeks and chin. Put highlights where they're needed, where you want to really communicate that "this part's sticking out", and don't put them elsewhere. If you put highlights everywhere, you'll just make everything look flat, since nothing looks like it's sticking out further than anything else. By having the highlights only on the eyebrows and nose, those parts look very prominent, while the cheeks appear to be further back. You could put highlights on the chin if you want it to be very prominent.
- Made the highlights on the rocks (on the left side only) more blobby, so the rocks look rounder, rougher, less like flat plates. In general, don't let any highlight or shadow be just 1px thick (unless it's a 1x1px highlight on something tiny), as that tends to create banding and makes the object look flat. I also didn't highlight every single rock, which gives the illusion of an uneven wall (some rocks stick out more than others). On the rocks sticking out of the ground, blobbier and uneven highlights give more texture to the rocks compared to the little 1px strips of highlights.
Title: Re: Game art (critique please)
Post by: Lockwork on February 05, 2018, 04:44:55 am

this is what i got now. really appreciate all the helpful tips!