General > General Discussion

Xion M. Night's Blazing Campaign Trail of "Wheeee!"

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Yay! Replies! Alrighty, then - on to the questions.
 - - -At the moment, I don't see too much of a lack in critiques, either in content or number. However, I think it would encourage members to post more useful things to help newbs if we were to have some kind of rewards like a member of the month. It would be awarded to the person who makes the most useful posts that actually help someone improve their skills, or perhaps just the person who makes the most positive changes to the community. Really, if people still seek FP in the OT, then this should be even more coveted.

 - - -Personally, I enjoyed the "Pixel a piece based on music" challenge in the forum of olde, that was one of my favorites. But of course to keep the challenges fresh, how about taking a screencap from a 2d game and then repixelling it as a scene, or pixelling a 3d game into what you think it should look like in 2d, or another limited pallete challenge, or taking a quote from a book and then pixelling what comes to mind to see everyone's different interpretations of the same words. Another community collab, perhaps. The possiblilities are endless, and, in a moment, I'll have come up with five more.

 - - -I'm on Pixelation for most of the day on most weekends, but if not, I'll usually drop in for a few moments each day to check up on new posts and such. Then there's always Email. Unfortunately I don't have an IM Program ATM.

 - - -They both do the job, it just gets a bit annoying when the Graphical ones are overused.

 - - -Gonzo.

Thanks alot, Robalan! :D :-) ;D :-D
Thanks guys.

Edit: Oh yeah, I would really really like to see some kind of gallery feature implemented into this site. All great art, of course, eventually falls off the page, but it would be nice to propagate pixel art just by coming here and showing them some examples of just what can be done. Or if you saw some picture that you really liked but forgot to save it, instead of rummaging through all these threads, you could just *poof* it onto your screen. Or maybe if you just want to show off or present your improvement to the world... Of course the gallery would be only for finished pieces that the person has already recieved and applied crits to...

Scuba Steve:
Voting is for losers.

No problem.  I agree with you on the answers to all of your questions; I think there are enough comments, but some of them are helpfuller than others, there are lots of activities that can be done, graphical smilies can be annoying, and Gonzo is my favorite Muppet.  Again, good luck in your campaign; you'll be getting a vote from me at least.

Yay! Someone is bannering me in their sig!
Thanks robalan. Too bad you dropped out of the running, Id've supported you.

Meh, I'll run again next election.  I feel that I should be a more active member before running.


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