General > Commercial Critique

Commercial Critique June 06: Cave Story

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I think we know the drill by now, go!

You can find Instructions for downloading the game here.  For Mac users, lazy people, etc, screenshots can be found everywhere.  Hotlinking is a victimless crime bad!!!

Since this CC is a week late, it will run a week into next month.  Next month's critique will start on the first so for a week both will run at the same time. Didn't want to upset the regularity or anything because of some dumbassery on my part.

I would just like to say that the .pbm files that cave story uses for its graphics are actually plain old bitmaps, so if you wanna see all the character sheets, just rename them to .bmp from PixelBitMap :)

You don't need instructions on downloading it. I have a .zip of it on my website with the English language patch preinstalled.

I think there's also a savegame in there by mistake.

mac version can be found here:

oh and on a side note, could the completed commercial critiques be added to the wiki somehow? they are a pretty good learning resource imo.

[Actual critiquing! Gasp!]
I notice from that spritesheet the sprites are actually kind of weak. They completely lose all of the definition when viewed from a dsistance at high resolution.

However, at higher resolutions, the sprites look much better. The lack of contrast in the shading becomes less and less apparent.

The colors that Pixel chose to use are odd because they lose visibility on black and white backgrounds. This is especially odd given the fact that much of the game takes place against a black background.

I decided to try adjusting the colors a little bit and I think they look better. The increased contrast, I think, adds more to the definition and makes him a little more distinct as a character. Of course, it doesn't help much with the low-resolution but it does add a better separation from those little green things and his face.

I tried to put this into the game though. Wouldn't work for some reason.


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