Critique > Pixel Art

Attempt at tiled scenery



I'm really interested in working on games for portables so I'm pushing myself to draw at that size. My goal was to make something that was easy to read on screen while still being fun to look at. It involved some fidgeting with value and saturation to draw attention to what's important while not letting the background become too washed out.

I'm crawling around in the dark on this because it's new to me. Anyone have basic advice on how to make good tilemaps and common mistakes to avoid? and of course CC please. :]

Peppermint Pig:
Hrm.. there's a slight imbalance with color. Either 1. you make the grass colors lighter... or 2. you darken the path a bit. With the ground and the path being so constrasting, it's overpowering the house. Otherwise, slick stuff. Very clean and simple. Excellent trees. You left some saturated green pixels near the top trees, by the way. One last suggestion, for any grass that goes in front of the stones, use the lighter green to show that. That way you will have dark grass in the back, followed by the rock itself, then background green that can strike through both, creating the depth illusion more cleanly.

Kazuya Mochu:
that's a pretty cool style!!! I like the trees. but the house is the coolest! I like how you shaded it! it's too bad the path looks so... "grid-like" since everything looks so stylish, it'd be cool to have some sort of cool path too... I don't know. maybe not all dirt. just hints of dirt in the grass... i'ts not like you can't walk on the grass... so why make the path so strong ? any ways, keep it up!


Thanks for the feedback. I'll play around with all the tweaks you two suggested. I agree road is way overpowering but was stumped for ideas on how to draw it out cleanly. I'm gonna look at some photos of beaten pathways now on google and figure out how to shove it into little pixels. Is it just me or does the guy look like a rockem sockem robot?   ;D

Peppermint Pig:
Lighter/Warmer grass tones will help. Good luck :)


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