Critique > Pixel Art

Mario & Luigi heads


Just made a sketch the other night and decided to pixel them...

I wanted to try my hand at self-AAing. Never tried it before.

EDIT: Just noticed I missed a few spots...

EDIT2: I need to slow down... I never notice the spots I miss until I post it!  :-[

Crazy Asian Gamer:
While AAing, don't be afraid to cut into the outline. Don't over AA, or you'll basically be doing a pixel-by-pixel blur. It should feel smoother and stay feeling thin. This is generally speaking, of course (in art, yes, rules are broken, and pixel art is still art).

The shapes and designs of those heads are really interesting (weird, in a good way).

nice one.
they look like balloons.^^

love the design, really really cool.

but, i would change the colors a bit and get rid of the AA on the outside of the portraits.
hope you dont mind, but i did a quick edit.

this is how i would shade them:

i dont think i've increased the color count.

btw, you should do wario and donkey kong as well, they would look great in this style :)


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