
Critique => Pixel Art => Topic started by: banskin on January 15, 2014, 05:08:56 pm

Title: Need help with Iso Characters for game
Post by: banskin on January 15, 2014, 05:08:56 pm
Hello ! me again ! thank you all so much for you're help before but i am afriad i will need you again.

The reason i wanted to start Isometric and Pixel drawings is because i have a friend who develops indie games, and so do i, but we have never hard anyone who is good at art in our little community of 2. I think we are ready to try and start some assets for a game, where better to start then with a character, so is there anywhere i can find out, or is there anyone that can help me with a isometric character or person. We currently have some concept art being drawn my a good friend of mine SentryUK
He drew this picture :(http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/003/d/a/mysterio_by_sentryuk-d70n8jc.jpg)

It's not ISO but he will be drawing some concept art for the game, i will post that as it comes, so if anyone wants to give me a hand or can point me in any directions please say so

Thank you
Banskin !
Title: Re: Need help with Iso Characters for game
Post by: netmancer on January 15, 2014, 07:45:46 pm
What size is he going to be? What is his color scheme? What are his goals in the game? Once i know those it would be a lot easier to help.
Title: Re: Need help with Iso Characters for game
Post by: cels on January 15, 2014, 08:03:16 pm
Your friend drew this (http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/spider-man-villains/images/2113590/title/mysterio-photo)?
I hope you're not trying to make money off this game, because I'm pretty sure Marvel has all the rights for Mysterio (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mysterio).
Title: Re: Need help with Iso Characters for game
Post by: banskin on January 15, 2014, 08:12:16 pm
Well he drew a variation of that picture yes and that is just an example about what he can do, he is making another piece of concept art whole no copyright all us :)

and the character is going to be on a space ship rescuing people just very basic will do.
Title: Re: Need help with Iso Characters for game
Post by: coffee on January 16, 2014, 10:37:44 am
You've basically not given us anything but a conceptart of Mysterio? I think you should probably have some conceptart made for the actual character you'll be using.
There are plenty of isometric pixelart games and you shouldn't have a problem just googling it and find some sort of isometric reference.

I don't mean to be rude(If you are serious about creating a game), but you can't ask anyone to help you out of you don't even post any sort of work you have done. This part of the forum is for posting you pixelart and recieve feedback, not asking for help without presenting any sort of work related to the actual sprite you are looking to get help with. We are not the concept artists, we are merely here to help you improve, not create things for you.

You often get a better character if you do some pre-work, concept art, writing something about the character/short biography, what type of person it is, what clothes are appropriate for his mission. etc.

Here are some references: