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Pixelation Complaints

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forced faq reading is good.  When I first signed up for pixelation, I read that sucker like, three times before posting.  But then again, it was my first forum ever (awwwww) so I was ever so careful to try not to make newbie mistakes.

I didn't see much of pixelation in its animated/static incarnation, so I don't know how well that worked.  I did, however, like the separation between serious and casual critiques in the old forum.  It felt right, at least for me.

I really liked the old quiz. Before I joined I had no idea what anything was. I was just I kid who liked sprites. Unfortunately, I think the quiz was decommissioned soon after my joinage, so I never really noticed whether or not it actually made a difference. But the 100 char that worked. Of course, sometimes along would come a newb or spammer or even someone who didn't speak much english who would just fill the space with ' 's or '_'s, but for the most part, it deterred those people, not to mention the mods excellent job of keeping things under control. Of course, the 100 chars did get annoying sometimes when I just had to praise a work...

Anyway, I really liked the old pixelation as it was just before the Great Fall, although I always wished for a personal user gallery akin to Pixeljoint or Pixelerate.

That's about it.

hmm I never noticed any problems with the mods.  But I guess I may have already been pretty faded away from pixelation by whatever time that people are talking about.  And I'm not out to fight the system like a lot of artsy people seem to be.  Remember, this is an art form.  Art attracts crazy personalities.   ;)  And it flat out just doesn't matter what you do you can't please everyone.  I can't really make any suggestions on how things should be run, because with every idea I can see how it would piss some people off.  Like for me personally, I got bored with pixelation when people seemed to just stop caring.  You had a lot of people coming in who weren't very good at pixeling and/or didn't take it seriously, the boards seemed swamped with little doodads that looked like the person spent maybe 5 minutes on it.  I got tired of looking at lower quality work to put it bluntly.  Not that I think there should be a skill level requirement or anything.  Anything that bears the Pixelation name should be all about helping people become better pixelers, no matter what their skill level is.  The first incarnation of Pixelation was where I learned to pixel, I sucked, and I still suck, but I try and when I post something its not just for asspats.  But there were so many posters that would blow off critique with "yeah ok ill do that on my next piece"  or "thats just my style"  or whatever.  If you don't want to try new things and learn from others you shouldn't post in Pixelation IMHO.  Its not show and tell for asspats.  There were also lots of early WIPs and sketches and things.  No one wants to see that.  Put in the effort to get the thing somewhat finished.  You'll get nowhere fast being timid wanting someone to hold your hand all the way through.  Dive in, sweat, bleed, then post for critique.  Then do it all again.  As big as Pixelation became, it was just ridiculous to have these things being posted.  I think when a forum gets as big as Pixelation was, you have to start enforcing some sort of quality level.  Not based on skill, but effort.  Which is friggen hard to measure.  So there will always be disputes.  I'm actually amazed at how organized and high quality is.  I'm sure the mods over there have gotten into quarrels with people by policing those boards however they do.  They actually enforce skill level now for the main board though, which makes sense for them, but I think is out of place with Pixelation.  But whenever a community reaches a certain size, someone has to keep order somehow, and they cant be too elastic.  Of course many people would think my point of view is "fricken fascist maaan".  Thats just the way it goes.   :)

Peppermint Pig:
Several good points Locrian.

--- Quote ---They actually enforce skill level now for the main board though, which makes sense for them, but I think is out of place with Pixelation.
--- End quote ---
I find it out of place to restrict people by skill level. I think it's most effective for a member to critique threads which they consider worthy of critique. It is better to let the individual judge this rather than enforce critique, which is absurd. Let your actions, specifically a good critique and a good effort on a work be your example. :)

Woah woah woah. Let's sort this out.

Pixelation = PERFECTION!

That is it final

Ok my keyboard just messed up I cant use the shift key and caps lock works back to front unfortunately so does the shift not working and i can only get <>< and not full stop


still only pixelation has bruce as the banner

night all

|doagy keys


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