Critique > Pixel Art

Iso tiles WIP


Thought I'd try some isometric.
I plan to add a lot more including some water/river/waterfall and such, trees, general landscape things.

You've done a nice job breaking the grid, but something looks wrong somehow. It seems almost as though you've got some kind of cross-hatching pattern going on between the strands of grass. It's especially noticable when you zoom in a little. Also, in a few places, you've got your highlight too strong. Try breaking up the parts where you have bright green with a couple extra pixels of a lighter shade. Now that I think abotu the shades, there's very little difference between your second-brightest and the one darker than it. It might be safe to elliminate one of them or make one darker.

to be honestm it looks like a grass basket lain out and with two rocks. instead of doing that "hatching" thing, you could make the grass stand out by standing up, erect, like this->////, instead of this->ll=ll=ll
i like how you did the rocks, though i think you should have made a newer one entirely, instead of copy pasting it.


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