Critique > Pixel Art

New(er) stuff!

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i love the animation personally, it adds flare to it. Very quirky and different. His coat is far too stationary though for him to be running like that, i would at least expect it to wave or bob around a bit more. the portrait is also some great shit, do you mind bringing back those flaming lips ones for a bit, i just wanna see them again lol.

From your potrait you must be a serious mothaf#$  ;)
your animation looks great, but I could crticize the run, is the acting correct? It looks like he's running on the spot, maybe he could put some feeling into it?

I really have no crits, sawtooth. You know what you doing. For great justice. I could bother you with style choices and 'how I would do it' stuff but it's nonsense. What I'd like you to do if you feel up to it is, post a truckload of your old art, whatever you think is good or interesting to look at because you were and remain one of my favourite pixelation artists and I'd like to get to see that stuff again. I'm sure all the new people will appreciate the awesomeness too.

what's a trackpad? your self-portrait kinda looks like me :D

if a trackpad is what i think it is (like on the front of my laptop?) you are not skilled, you are a psychotic masochist.
portrait is great, i think the hair may look a little flat (compared to face)... needs some sort of depth added.

the animation :

1.  The top pixel of head should not disappear and appear like that i dont think
2.  If the one pixel of hair moves (nice touch), why not make the whole fringe bounce slightly?)
3.  Ditto.  Also, watch the arm upswing timing, you will find this is almost one of the first things to happen when jumping, it is part of the moving of energy causing your body to lift.


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