Critique > Pixel Art

Raging Animation

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Huge improvement. Much more interesting now.

What if you feigned slo-motion instead of having such a lengthy pause after he emerges? Think of those high-tension moments in action movies RIGHT before something catastrophic happens. A moment of dead silent calm and then BBOBORJBIHRIBVOHGURGH&$YT$(&*WYH$(&*R(*FHHJGFFJUFRJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
Debris could be sent upward upon his appearance and when in slo-mo, they slow their ascent to indicate the dramatic slo-mo sequence. Then back to action, things exponentially ease-in speed back up into chaos.

A long enough pause so I can see the figure. Of the two you just posted, the second one feels too fast. I want to be able to understand his features before he disappears on me.

A much more elaborate, wild, energetic aura around him, building up and up, right before his final explosion could be nice.

Also, his charging pose seems wimpy. Like a huddling child. A dude with such power ought to look more imposing and confident. Looks like he's sitting on a bench. Maybe slowly, gradually make his charging pose tighter and tighter, he retracts inward more and more until the release.

I love p-driver's example's camera that backs off before the explosion. Camera tricks could be huge for this anim.
How about panning? When it starts, the camera isn't centered on the point of emergence, but as he starts breaking through, the camera quickly whips over to catch the action.
Howz about rotation? When the final explosion happens, could be as if the camera man gets annihilated - the camera falls to the side and the entire scene tilts like when the camera holding guy in Cloverfield dropped the camera.

Put little people/buildings on the ground where he breaks out and they get sent flying when he breaks out. Each ground shake he does, trying to burst through, sends them up into the air like insects in a jar being shaken up and down then BBLLALLRLLLGGGGGGGGGGG they get sent off camera.

I think I just upped the fatality count. WHOOPS

what I must say has mostly been said (=D pixelation) I agree that his charging pose seems wimpy, to make it more powerful you should arrange his body thinking of action lines (look around, I'm sure PxPdriver has excelent posts on this :p)  I would suggest that you try to orient them all in a triangle pointing upwards
Against gods(above)...or Anything by frazetta (<---link) wouldnt be a bad place to look for inspiration =)

also, his torso seems really really short, like it skips from his butt right to his chest and he has no stomach short. That might have been a result of you only putting him in crouching or foreshortened poses...or it might be intentional, but I see no reason it should be so short so I point it out


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