Critique > 2D & 3D

Official Anatomy Thread

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Once again, hello everyone.

I was just wondering if this looked allright?

She has pretty broad shoulders for a lady in comparison with the hips. Could be right, but I'm not sure.

Legs seem fine in general, might take a look at the tibia.
If I take a look at my own leg, it seems it doesn't go down straight from the knee but bends a little outwards.

Pose isn't very dynamic, but I guess that's a choice. I wouldn't stand like that comfortably irl, but I'm not a lady and I don't really know the context.

I guess she will be clothed later?

Yeah, I just wanted to make sure the body shape was good.

I went out for a walk to keep my eyes off of her for a bit. Now that I come back, I can see that her arms are way too big for the original aims. Should be an easy fix.

A male version is to come in a few.

They're both to be in a classical-esque ''ideal'' anatomy for a pseudo victorian steampunk era.

Current one


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