Critique > Devlogs & Projects

My first video game (or possibly animated film)

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Hello Pixelation!  I am at the beginning stages of working on a project for a fantasy game or animation.  So far, I have designed 128 character faces.  I would like to work with other artists to design outfits and animate these characters, so I am in the process of pursuing that.

Please view the video link above, and provide feedback, comments, criticisms, etc.  I tried to use a limited palette so I could focus most on design of the character features.  I've made pixel art in the past before, but this will be my first attempt at making a game or something with it.  Any advice is appreciated, thank you!


I really like the angle for this project and I LOVE your medieval music.

This guy was recognizable:

Are you going to feature this music with these characters?

Hi Rydin, thanks for the reply.  I've narrowed the idea for this project to either making a fantasy/medieval game (in which case yes I would be using the Merchant Song and other fantasy music I have composed) or a space arcade game where the characters collab to conquer planets (and the music would probably be made with synthesizers).

Right now, I'm leaning towards the fantasy/medieval.  I would like to hire other pixel artists for:
- character outfits and accessories
- animating horses (running, galloping, trotting, etc.)
- castles, environments and backgrounds
- special effects
- character actions (running, walking, fighting, etc.)

To hire, I need to start a Kickstarter campaign, but I want to make sure I have enough support first so the campaign will be successful.


Here is some progress I made on the project.  I have a goFundMe hoping to gain support for this game.  Thank you!


This is my cover art (so far) for the game.  I haven't taken it into Photoshop yet, so I might add stars and comets or something.


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