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Topics - rogueDev
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Twin Stick Attack Animations
« on: May 20, 2017, 10:06:29 am »
Hi guys, first of I'm primarily a developer so forgive my ignorance.

I'm developing a prototype for a rogue-like "twin stick shooter" game where the player can control a variety of characters each with different attack styles.

I'm very confused as to how I would create an animation sheet that would allow for smooth attack animations in every direction - 360 degrees rotation.

The player should be able to point the right stick at any angle and the sprite should attack in that direction.

Example - Hyper Light Drifter
I'm sure we are all aware of how nice the animations in HLD are - but we can use that as an example. If anyone could explain to me how the animations are done in that game it would pretty much answer my questions.
  • Rougly what would the sprite sheet look like (how many frames etc.)
  • How many directions would the attack animation have to be drawn in?

Thanks very much to anyone who can help.

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