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Messages - la .alEksolas.
Pages: [1]

Pixel Art / Re: How should I improve the protagonist's overworld sprite?
« on: January 20, 2017, 08:49:18 pm »
XerObot:  Hmm... I'm not sure about the breeze thing.  I don't know if it's actually long enough for any hair bouncing to be noticeable.  I might try to see if I can or cannot actually do that later though.

And as for the idea of making her blink, I actually already did something rather interesting:  I've programmed this loop in the Acrec object that, every 5 to 10 seconds, places this "eyelid" entity just over the sprite to give the illusion that Acrec is blinking.  There's also a thing that makes it so that whenever the player starts walking, it randomizes which leg she puts forward first.

UPDATE:  Wait, when you're talking about hair, which bit of it are you talking about?  The one just above her face, or the one hanging out the back of her headscarf?

Pixel Art / Re: How should I improve the protagonist's overworld sprite?
« on: January 19, 2017, 08:57:11 pm »
Ah, I see.  Sorry, Curly.

Pixel Art / Re: How should I improve the protagonist's overworld sprite?
« on: December 31, 2016, 03:19:04 pm »
Hey, where'd everybody go?

Pixel Art / Re: How should I improve the protagonist's overworld sprite?
« on: December 30, 2016, 08:45:26 pm »
Okay, ah... tried again with the northward animation.  I also changed the general stance of the northward sprite itself, which, among other things, involved the addition of some kind of shiny thing to make it seem more round.  Unfortunately, the spritesheet-to-GIF converter I've been using hates this, and has made the black parts of her outfit all sparkly in retaliation.  Anyway, how's this?

Pixel Art / Re: How should I improve the protagonist's overworld sprite?
« on: December 29, 2016, 10:32:24 pm »
Although I have been considering the use of other artstyles.  Here's one of them, which actually does fix the whole hair issue:

Pixel Art / Re: How should I improve the protagonist's overworld sprite?
« on: December 28, 2016, 04:05:54 am »
Hmm... It's been a while, I wonder if anyone's responded with suggestions for that northward sprite?
*refreshes page*



That "said", I do like the shape of that tinier sprite.  I'd been hoping to have a smaller version of each of the main characters for character select screens and menus.  I also did plan to use a blue colorization for the fold on her shirt thing in her battle sprite.  And yes, Acrec / Ashresh is a priestess hailing from a bunch of pagan weirdos from north-central Siberia.

And, er, to clarify... When I say "northward sprite", I'm referring to the one where she's facing upwards, away from the camera.  Is it not possible to download gifs from here for editing...?

Pixel Art / Re: How should I improve the protagonist's overworld sprite?
« on: December 27, 2016, 06:08:06 pm »
Hmm... I'm not sure if I entirely like everything about those two edits.  I've experimented with stuff like that before in making these, and have found that they just look... weird, to me.  Though I might change it in the future anyhow.

Although I do like this particular version of her face, complying with the suggestion of rounding it.  I also changed the headscarf slightly:

The thing I'm particularly displeased with about the whole sprite sheet is currently the northward sprites, especially the shape of the headscarf and the arm movements.  I tried to make them sort of mirror the southward ones, but the results... eesh...

Also:  Can you tell what her occupation is with that outfit?

Pixel Art / Re: How should I improve the protagonist's overworld sprite?
« on: December 26, 2016, 11:47:18 pm »
Dresstortion complete.  Does this look right?

Also, what do you think about the arm movements?  And do you think that the headscarf should be a bit lower on the northward sprite?

UPDATE:  I made a better version and put it next to the first one

Pixel Art / How should I improve the protagonist's overworld sprite?
« on: December 26, 2016, 10:33:39 pm »

I'm feeling pretty content with the southward sprites, but everything else... I dunno why, but something about them bugs me.


geez, i've never really done this before...
hello, actually!
i'm la .alEksolas.
and, uh, i wanna make a game
but i, kinda suck at making sprites and stuff myself
so i kinda need another guy to help me make all the pretty pictures?

i think i'm pretty good at coding already
and coming up with basic ideas of what important pretty things look like
and how those important pretty things be important pretty things at each other to make a story happen
you've, uh... probably heard this story a lot before this, i bet...

i will point out
i already have tried to work with a sprite artist before
so i already kinda know how to work with one?
like, i've learned the hard way that it's a good idea to tell people where the sun is
but he decided to stop working with me after i didn't contact him for a while, due to school stuff
i've also made some attempts to make my own sprites
here's one thing we made together
(i have no idea how to put that gif onto here)

basically i made the two people on that island
one on the left, acrec [AHSH-resh], is the hero
as well as the blue rover guy with the balloon
certar [SHARE-tar]'s the main antagonist
he/it's kinda weird
i also "made" the sky with some kind of gradient tool
but anyway the other spriter guy made the clouds and the island the two people are sitting on
basically all the really pretty bits
so don't look at that if you want to get a feel for how good/shit i am at making pretty pictures
focus on the blue rover dude and tell me if you can tell that it's a rover dude
please, that would help a lot
i also made the code to tell the game to make the clouds be in a perpetual race to the right side of the screen
and also have the humans blink occasionally

uh... what else is there...
oh yeah
i'm not really sure how often i will need to ask you to make stuff
right now, i'm at a bit where i need to make a bunch of stuff for the aesthetics of the first area
i've already made a bunch of code for the overworld
wait, maybe i should tell them what the shape of the game actually is...

basically the overworld's kind of a 2D platformer
but not a very engaging one
its main purpose is to just have a bunch of pretty things in the background to make the player know where they are
and also make them feel slight emotions through what i'm pretty sure is a form of indirect hypnosis
the main challenge for the player is in the form of RPG-ish battles
shaped in a form very similar to that of undertale
(yes, i'm that kind of game developer)

so, yeah
if you leave a comment in this forum thingy to say you want to help me, i most likely won't be in contact with you very frequently
it's likely you'll be pretty free if you decide to help me
though i will point out
if it's not too much to ask
if you do decide to make a sprite for me
i'd very much like it if you could show me how you actually do it
like, give me a few lessons on how to make dirt look like dirt, and make hills look like hills
instead of brown rectangles and rows of green right triangles

so, uh... yeah
that's pretty much it
uh... thank you for your time?
i don't really know what you're supposed to say in the endings of these
please help
- la .alEksolas.

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